Questions on the Parshah, by Rabbi Henry Hollander
These are questions for study. They are my notes used to prepare for the Der Nister Parshah Ha-Shauvah study session, but they can be used for self-study as well. The questions arise out of my close reading of the text and are influenced by my own particular interests and curiosities. My plan is to compile a list of questions for all of the Parshiyot and all of the chapters of the Parshiyot. This will take more than just one year to completely fill in. I have not edited or reconsidered any of the questions, so there may be things that could be edited, said better or better left unsaid. Refinement will come in time.
If you have questions that you think should be added or just questions you would like to discuss arising out of the Parshah of this week or another week please be in touch. Credit will be noted for anyone who adds to the list.