Rabbi Zach Golden Rabbi Zach Golden

A SoCal Yiddish Bulletin

My new goal is to create a separate Der Nister-distributed monthly newsletter, available to those who specifically sign up for it, which I call “Der Zunenshtral” (The Sunbeam), in homage to the many Yiddishists who came before to LA and fell in love with the sun.

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Rabbi Henry Hollander Rabbi Henry Hollander

The Greatness of Ahad Ha’am

Ahad Ha’am’s greatness is not in either his originality or in his successes. It lies in his struggle to overcome his flaws and to share what was best in himself despite those flaws.

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

Alienation from Creation

We were made to create, we were made to become participants in the act of creation. The modern process of alienation in labor took it away from us.

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Rabbi Zach Golden Rabbi Zach Golden

עולם־הבא און דער קרעטשמע

״מצװה גדולה להיות בשׂמחה.״ אַזוי האָט רבי נחמן געזאָגט, ״כִּי טֶבַע הָאָדָם-לִמְשׁךְ עַצְמוֹ לְמָרָה שְׁחרָה וְעַצְבוּת מֵחֲמַת פִּגְעֵי וּמִקְרֵי הַזְּמַן, וְכָל אָדָם מָלֵא יִסּוּרִים.״ (װײַל דעם מענטשס נאַטור איז זיך אַרײַנצוצויגן אין אַ מרה־שהורה און טרויער צוליב די אומגערעכטיקײט פֿון זײַן תּקופֿה; יעדער אײנער לײַדט פֿון יסורים.) צו װאַרטן אויף עולם־הבא איז נישט קײן לײזונג.

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Rabbi Henry Hollander Rabbi Henry Hollander

Ahad Ha’am’s Anti-Charismatic Leadership

Ahad Ha’am was exposed to manners and mores of the leadership of the Hasidic movement. While he was strongly critical of it, once he was able to put some distance between it and himself, he was never able to separate himself from the social thinking and organization that he experienced within it.

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

Fashion and Myth

“Fashion is tyrannical and utopian at the same time: it imposes a norm which it claims is freedom.”

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

How Moral are Taxes?

How moral is a tax system, and can it ever be? Is it a violation of human rights to coerce people to contribute their money towards purposes they might disagree with? 

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Rabbi Zach Golden Rabbi Zach Golden

Collective Consciousness in Los Angeles

The collective consciousness that is possible in Los Angeles is of the most diverse, the most interesting, the most wonderful people. As a metal box blocks out radio waves, so too does a car block out the emotions of others. Sometimes, those emotions are scary. Sometimes they are disturbing. But precluding those out of fear also precludes the generosity, the surprises, the opening up people do when they talk.

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

The Sacrifices of the Righteous

The sages compared a fire to a calamity which one does not have control over, calamity which may start at no fault of one's own, and becomes fueled and spread by thorns (the wicked) but unfortunately consumes the righteous first (the standing piles of grain.)

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Rabbi Henry Hollander Rabbi Henry Hollander

The Life of Ahad Ha’am

Cultural Zionism is neither Cultural Judaism nor the opposite of it. Rather, it is an idea that came into focus in opposition to Political Zionism.

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

Bravery and Feminism

I keep thinking of Wollstonecraft, who took that leap of faith for all of us women, who risked everything and jumped into the waters herself, metaphorically and figuratively.

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Rabbi Henry Hollander Rabbi Henry Hollander

Old Books

Many people want to pass on the books that they have so that others can make use of what they no longer need; however, the wise among them often fear that they lack the ability to discern what among their old books continues to be useful and what isn’t.

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Rabbi Zach Golden Rabbi Zach Golden

The Prayer Space

I believe that we can make space holy by designing it to be that way, not through our own will, but by shepherding and arranging elements of a space so that it conjures our most deeply held feelings and spiritual yearnings.

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Rabbi Zach Golden Rabbi Zach Golden


די סאָלדאַטן פֿונעם אַמעריקאַנער אַרמײ האָבן דערנענטערט יוטאַ, און די מאָרמאָנער האָבן זיך צוגעגרײט צו קעמפֿן. אָבער אין דער לעצטער מאָמענט, זײ האָבן שלום געמאַכט, און די אַמעריקאַנער ברירה פֿאַרן גובערנאַטאָר, אַלפֿרעד קומינג, האָט די שטעלע גענומען. אַחוץ די מאַסן־מאָרדערס, בוקאַנאָן האָט דערלאַנגט באַגענעדיקונג (מחילה) פֿאַר די מאָרמאָנער װאָלטן זײ געבליבן געטרײַ צו אַמעריקע.

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Rabbi Henry Hollander Rabbi Henry Hollander

Black Mountain and Highlander

Black Mountain would ultimately fail to attract almost any black students or faculty. Soltz credits this to the fact that the school, being unaccredited, was less useful to the type of Black students who might have been interested in the academic level of the school. But she also points to a serious failure of the culture.

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

We should get to know our students, respect them and let them know that we are here as companions, and know that their questioning of everything will help us, the adults, also question the systems that we have placed around us.

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Rabbi Henry Hollander Rabbi Henry Hollander

Louise Nevelson

A street, neighborhood or city can, and usually does, reach a level of potency capable of carrying a spiritual identity that can be sensed or felt.

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Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld Rabbi Ye'ela Rosenfeld

Faith isn’t Commanded

Our commentators struggled with the idea that God would now send Moses and Aaron with “cheap tricks” to try and make their appeal stronger.

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