
Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Pekudei. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold, smoky or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Terumah. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold, smoky or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

The Promised Paradise
On Zoom, Sundays from 9 to 10:30 am, PST January 26th to February 16th. Suggested cost, $75.
The City of Angels promised paradise and relief to early Jewish migrants from New York, drawing newcomers at first with its tuberculosis sanitarium, fresh air, plentiful good jobs and cultural diversity. One by one, each promise became compromised — the sanatorium was kicked out of city limits by German Jews eager to limit the influx of their Eastern European brethren, the air became ruined by choking smog, and the jobs were not necessarily very different from the sweatshops of Manhattan. Perhaps most shockingly, Jews confronted the grave injustices done in the 50s and 60s to the minority populations of the city as federal government agents swept Boyle Heights for Mexican immigrants, and Black people rioted in Watts after facing horrific standards of living, ignored by the Anglo-Saxons in their wealthy neighborhoods.
All of these stories were documented in Yiddish, but most have never been translated. Luminaries of Yiddish literature like Sholem Asch and Peretz Hirschbein penned their observations from their travels, and others who settled in the city published in the famous Los Angeles literary journal Kheshbn among other places. In their stories, Downtown Los Angeles, Boyle Heights and West Adams, places where seeing Jewish traces require an expert eye, come alive as the Jewish centers of gravity that they once were.
Der Nister’s Rabbi Zach Golden, former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward and LA area native, is taking on a project to collect and translate many of these writings in an anthology tentatively called “Immersed in a Sea of Light,” taken from a particularly beautiful line about gazing down at the city from the foothills. Alongside an upcoming talk at the Central Library in May about this subject, he is offering an online four-week course thematically going through these stories and poems, in the original and in translation.
If there are any questions about this course, please write to Zach at golden@dernister.org
Zoom links will be emailed upon registration. The class will be recorded.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Yitro. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold, smoky or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

The Promised Paradise
On Zoom, Sundays from 9 to 10:30 am, PST January 26th to February 16th. Suggested cost, $75.
The City of Angels promised paradise and relief to early Jewish migrants from New York, drawing newcomers at first with its tuberculosis sanitarium, fresh air, plentiful good jobs and cultural diversity. One by one, each promise became compromised — the sanatorium was kicked out of city limits by German Jews eager to limit the influx of their Eastern European brethren, the air became ruined by choking smog, and the jobs were not necessarily very different from the sweatshops of Manhattan. Perhaps most shockingly, Jews confronted the grave injustices done in the 50s and 60s to the minority populations of the city as federal government agents swept Boyle Heights for Mexican immigrants, and Black people rioted in Watts after facing horrific standards of living, ignored by the Anglo-Saxons in their wealthy neighborhoods.
All of these stories were documented in Yiddish, but most have never been translated. Luminaries of Yiddish literature like Sholem Asch and Peretz Hirschbein penned their observations from their travels, and others who settled in the city published in the famous Los Angeles literary journal Kheshbn among other places. In their stories, Downtown Los Angeles, Boyle Heights and West Adams, places where seeing Jewish traces require an expert eye, come alive as the Jewish centers of gravity that they once were.
Der Nister’s Rabbi Zach Golden, former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward and LA area native, is taking on a project to collect and translate many of these writings in an anthology tentatively called “Immersed in a Sea of Light,” taken from a particularly beautiful line about gazing down at the city from the foothills. Alongside an upcoming talk at the Central Library in May about this subject, he is offering an online four-week course thematically going through these stories and poems, in the original and in translation.
If there are any questions about this course, please write to Zach at golden@dernister.org
Zoom links will be emailed upon registration. The class will be recorded.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Beshalach. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold, smoky or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

The Promised Paradise
On Zoom, Sundays from 9 to 10:30 am, PST January 26th to February 16th. Suggested cost, $75.
The City of Angels promised paradise and relief to early Jewish migrants from New York, drawing newcomers at first with its tuberculosis sanitarium, fresh air, plentiful good jobs and cultural diversity. One by one, each promise became compromised — the sanatorium was kicked out of city limits by German Jews eager to limit the influx of their Eastern European brethren, the air became ruined by choking smog, and the jobs were not necessarily very different from the sweatshops of Manhattan. Perhaps most shockingly, Jews confronted the grave injustices done in the 50s and 60s to the minority populations of the city as federal government agents swept Boyle Heights for Mexican immigrants, and Black people rioted in Watts after facing horrific standards of living, ignored by the Anglo-Saxons in their wealthy neighborhoods.
All of these stories were documented in Yiddish, but most have never been translated. Luminaries of Yiddish literature like Sholem Asch and Peretz Hirschbein penned their observations from their travels, and others who settled in the city published in the famous Los Angeles literary journal Kheshbn among other places. In their stories, Downtown Los Angeles, Boyle Heights and West Adams, places where seeing Jewish traces require an expert eye, come alive as the Jewish centers of gravity that they once were.
Der Nister’s Rabbi Zach Golden, former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward and LA area native, is taking on a project to collect and translate many of these writings in an anthology tentatively called “Immersed in a Sea of Light,” taken from a particularly beautiful line about gazing down at the city from the foothills. Alongside an upcoming talk at the Central Library in May about this subject, he is offering an online four-week course thematically going through these stories and poems, in the original and in translation.
If there are any questions about this course, please write to Zach at golden@dernister.org
Zoom links will be emailed upon registration. The class will be recorded.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Bo. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold, smoky or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

The Promised Paradise
On Zoom, Sundays from 9 to 10:30 am, PST January 26th to February 16th. Suggested cost, $75.
The City of Angels promised paradise and relief to early Jewish migrants from New York, drawing newcomers at first with its tuberculosis sanitarium, fresh air, plentiful good jobs and cultural diversity. One by one, each promise became compromised — the sanatorium was kicked out of city limits by German Jews eager to limit the influx of their Eastern European brethren, the air became ruined by choking smog, and the jobs were not necessarily very different from the sweatshops of Manhattan. Perhaps most shockingly, Jews confronted the grave injustices done in the 50s and 60s to the minority populations of the city as federal government agents swept Boyle Heights for Mexican immigrants, and Black people rioted in Watts after facing horrific standards of living, ignored by the Anglo-Saxons in their wealthy neighborhoods.
All of these stories were documented in Yiddish, but most have never been translated. Luminaries of Yiddish literature like Sholem Asch and Peretz Hirschbein penned their observations from their travels, and others who settled in the city published in the famous Los Angeles literary journal Kheshbn among other places. In their stories, Downtown Los Angeles, Boyle Heights and West Adams, places where seeing Jewish traces require an expert eye, come alive as the Jewish centers of gravity that they once were.
Der Nister’s Rabbi Zach Golden, former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward and LA area native, is taking on a project to collect and translate many of these writings in an anthology tentatively called “Immersed in a Sea of Light,” taken from a particularly beautiful line about gazing down at the city from the foothills. Alongside an upcoming talk at the Central Library in May about this subject, he is offering an online four-week course thematically going through these stories and poems, in the original and in translation.
If there are any questions about this course, please write to Zach at golden@dernister.org
Zoom links will be emailed upon registration. The class will be recorded.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Va’era. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold, smoky or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Vayeshev. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week we’ll be looking at Parshah Vayishlach. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Intermediate Yiddish (Session 6 of 6)
Zach Golden will teach Yiddish at the SoCal Arbiter Ring on 1525 S Robertson Blvd in Pico-Robertson for 6 weeks, starting Monday, October 28th.
We will read selected texts (song, poetry, and short stories) that highlight grammatical points as well as enrich our vocabulary.
Prerequisites: Read and write der alef-beys. Be able to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future tenses. Be able to hold short conversations.
Zach is a former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward, and has written about and in Yiddish for the Forverts and the Der Nister newsletter.
Sign up and pay here. Classes are $200 for these in-person sessions.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week, Rabbi Zach Golden will substitute for Rabbi Hollander, and we’ll be looking at Vayetsei. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM, or in the Disney Hall lobby in the event of a cold or rainy day. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Intermediate Yiddish (Session 5 of 6)
Zach Golden will teach Yiddish at the SoCal Arbiter Ring on 1525 S Robertson Blvd in Pico-Robertson for 6 weeks, starting Monday, October 28th.
We will read selected texts (song, poetry, and short stories) that highlight grammatical points as well as enrich our vocabulary.
Prerequisites: Read and write der alef-beys. Be able to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future tenses. Be able to hold short conversations.
Zach is a former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward, and has written about and in Yiddish for the Forverts and the Der Nister newsletter.
Sign up and pay here. Classes are $200 for these in-person sessions.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week, we’ll be looking at Toldot. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Intermediate Yiddish (Session 4 of 6)
Zach Golden will teach Yiddish at the SoCal Arbiter Ring on 1525 S Robertson Blvd in Pico-Robertson for 6 weeks, starting Monday, October 28th.
We will read selected texts (song, poetry, and short stories) that highlight grammatical points as well as enrich our vocabulary.
Prerequisites: Read and write der alef-beys. Be able to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future tenses. Be able to hold short conversations.
Zach is a former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward, and has written about and in Yiddish for the Forverts and the Der Nister newsletter.
Sign up and pay here. Classes are $200 for these in-person sessions.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week, we’ll be looking at Chayei Sarah. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Intermediate Yiddish (Session 3 of 6)
Zach Golden will teach Yiddish at the SoCal Arbiter Ring on 1525 S Robertson Blvd in Pico-Robertson for 6 weeks, starting Monday, October 28th.
We will read selected texts (song, poetry, and short stories) that highlight grammatical points as well as enrich our vocabulary.
Prerequisites: Read and write der alef-beys. Be able to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future tenses. Be able to hold short conversations.
Zach is a former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward, and has written about and in Yiddish for the Forverts and the Der Nister newsletter.
Sign up and pay here. Classes are $200 for these in-person sessions.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week, we’ll be looking at Vayera. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Intermediate Yiddish (Session 2 of 6)
Zach Golden will teach Yiddish at the SoCal Arbiter Ring on 1525 S Robertson Blvd in Pico-Robertson for 6 weeks, starting Monday, October 28th.
We will read selected texts (song, poetry, and short stories) that highlight grammatical points as well as enrich our vocabulary.
Prerequisites: Read and write der alef-beys. Be able to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future tenses. Be able to hold short conversations.
Zach is a former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward, and has written about and in Yiddish for the Forverts and the Der Nister newsletter.
Sign up and pay here. Classes are $200 for these in-person sessions.

Torah Study in the Garden
Rabbi Henry Hollander leads a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week, we’ll be looking at Lech Lecha. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.

Intermediate Yiddish
Zach Golden will teach Yiddish at the SoCal Arbeter Ring on 1525 S Robertson Blvd in Pico-Robertson for 6 weeks, starting Monday, October 28th.
We will read selected texts (song, poetry, and short stories) that highlight grammatical points as well as enrich our vocabulary.
Prerequisites: Read and write der alef-beys. Be able to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future tenses. Be able to hold short conversations.
Zach is a former Deputy Yiddish Editor at the Forward, and has written about and in Yiddish for the Forverts and the Der Nister newsletter.
Sign up and pay here. Classes are $200 for these in-person sessions.

Torah Study in the Garden
Beginning Monday, October 28, Rabbi Henry Hollander will lead a weekly discussion on the week’s Torah portion. This week, we’ll be looking at the story of Noah. We will study in Disney Hall’s beautiful rooftop garden at 12:30 PM. Contact Rabbi Hollander at hollander@dernister.org if you think you may be able to attend, or call him at 415-407-1498.