R’ Yermiyah ben Elazar said: There are three entrances to Gehinnom. One in the wilderness, one in the sea and one in Jerusalem. (Eruvin 19a)
Word and Song Performances, Sign-up link below. Supported by Der Nister Los Angeles
Matt Schultz and Julia Knobloch invite you to spend an evening centered around the imagery and topography of the Valley of Hinnom.
Living in Yemin Moshe, the neighborhood overlooking this famously infamous valley, has inspired us and we look forward to sharing some of our work with you.
You are invited to mingle and listen or to present your own words or songs – related in one way or the other to Gehenna, Yemin Moshe, valleys and shadows, eternal mountains ...
Light refreshments will be provided. Please consider contributing snacks or drinks.
We have a limited number of performance slots available for which you can sign up here: https://forms.gle/s3XtwYC7BGhKitfL9