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Tisha B'Av

The Poetry of Despair

Tisha B'Av, which marks the destruction of both Great Temples in Jerusalem, is the saddest day in the Jewish Calendar. The traditional readings of the day - Eikha and various other poems of lament -  make it clear that one of the primary ways Jews respond to tragedy is with poetry. 

Following our Love and Redemption Poetry Salon last Passover, Hadar West and Der Nister are partnering again to explore the poetry of the Bible and to respond with the voices of contemporary Jewish poets. 

Please join us for a night of prayer – including the reading of Megillat Eikha - poetry and song as we hold each other through the despair of our history and our present. 

Register here:

August 11

Night of the Murdered Poets

August 18

Release Your Dybbuk